Artificial Intelligence: The Solution for the Firm of the Future?

Hosted by Thomson Reuters

There is a lot of hype around Artificial Intelligence: that it will transform the jobs of every knowledge worker or change the whole face of work forever. But what does it mean for an accounting firm today?

Join us for a hype-free conversation about what firms like yours can do with AI technologies today, and what you might have to look forward to in the next few years. Our panel will discuss:

1. Understand key AI and automation concepts
  • Delve into the intersections between AI and automation, and gain clarity on how they can increase efficiency, accuracy, and decision making.

2. Overcome staffing challenges with ease
  • Address staffing concerns by discovering how AI can alleviate workloads and streamline processes. Learn strategies to secure buy-in from your team surrounding their evolving roles and foster a positive attitude toward technological change.

3. Navigate technology adoption with confidence
  • Our experts guide you through an informed decision-making process, how to evaluate new technology, steps to minimize disruption, and how to position your firm for success in an AI-driven future.
Position your firm for success by focusing on tangible actions for today and strategic planning for tomorrow. Sign up now and view live or on-demand any time afterward.

Christopher Papin, Owner, Papin CPA, PLLC
Christopher C. Papin is a licensed attorney, a certified public accountant, and a life, accident, and health insurance producer. Chris was born in Edmond, Oklahoma and received a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Oklahoma in 2004 and a Master’s degree in accounting from the University of Oklahoma in 2005. Chris became a Certified Public Accountant in 2007 and received his Juris Doctor degree from Oklahoma City University School of Law and was licensed to practice law in Oklahoma in 2008. Chris was admitted to practice before the United States Tax Court in 2010.
Keith Hall, Senior Solutions Consultant, Thomson Reuters
Keith is a senior solutions consultant and has been a part of the Thomson Reuters team since 2015, and he currently specializes in Advisory solutions. Keith also works with solutions involving tax preparation, tax planning, firm management, document management, information exchange, and more.

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